#SCIEFtalk ‘The Role and Potential of Blockchain Technology in Islamic Finance’

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  • 11:00 pm - 11:40 pm

Register on: https://ieuniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YRi5oxTURcOMn1oV7Ztw1w#/registration

With Joaquim Matinero Tor - Associate Lawyer, RocaJunyent.

Why are cryptocurrencies a trend in the realm of Islamic finance? Join us as we explore the role and potential of blockchain technology in Islamic finance. Gain insights into the design principles of Sharia-compliant cryptocurrencies and discover the main hubs driving this emerging trend. Explore the practical applications of blockchain in Islamic finance and delve into the challenges that lie ahead. Expand your understanding of this evolving landscape in a thought-provoking discussion.

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