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Mission Statement

Islam is monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one incomparable God – Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world’s second-largest religion and the fastest-growing major religion in the world. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful and unique.

  • Nam facilisis mauris a metus finibus id gravida
  • Cras neque tortor, faucibus sit amet amet lacus
  • Fusce condimentum sem enim, est ornare ex vestibulum

Islam is monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one incomparable God – Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. It is the world’s second-largest religion and the fastest-growing.

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What We Offer

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About Essential

Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj

Things We Are Doing

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis um voluptatum deleniti atque orrupti quos dolores.

Meet The Experts

Islamic Scholars

Director of SCIEF
SCIEF Board member and President of King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
SCIEF Board member and IE University President

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